Here’s the continuation of the guide to Pinoy Breads.

This sweet and small gong-shaped morsel as been the stape of our afternoon snacks for generations. Kababayan translated to “my fellow countryman” and the bread resembles the straw hats our filipino farmers wear.

These circular, chiffon-like bread takes a lot of forms but mostly resembles a small cupcake. Some recent mamons took the appearance of an ensaymada with the addition of sugar and grated cheese but nothing beats the original yellow ,fluffy , moist and sweet mamon.

This is a bread roll that either has a pudding filling at its center made from old bread, milk, eggs and sugar and food coloring but can also be made by using pandan, ube and pineapple. Some areas in Manila also give it more salacious names like Pan de Regla(Tondo) or more quirky ones like Pan de Floor wax(Quezon City).

This pastry we owe to Chinese immigrants who settled in Philippines. Ho-Pia means good pastry. It clearly resembles the Chinese moon cake but Hopia is more versatile and can be made from different ingredients. Ube, Monggo, Pork, coconut and Pandan are the most popular flavors.
Pan De Sal
Finally, the bread that defined us as a nation. Pan De Sal( Bread of Salt) is a staple item of the typical Filipino breakfast. Inexpensive to make and packs flavor and carbohydrates that can jump start your day. Ingredients are very simple- eggs, flour,salt,sugar and yeast. Pairs well with a hot cup of coffee or even hot cocoa and can be eaten alone. Most would split the bread horizontally in half and add spreads like cheese, peanut butter, fried eggs and even sardines.
We hope that this blog is informative and helps spark an interest in this skill. The Bailiwick Academy has an online class in baking. Click on this link to view the classes.
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The Bailiwick Team